Planning & Zoning

Tree & Brush Trimming

Vegetation should be cleared from the side of the roadway - five (5) feet back from pavement edge and fifteen (15) feet up from roadway surface.  This is to allow for line-of-sight and utility and emergency vehicle access to properties, intersections or driveways.


Separate rules exist in the St. Croix Riverway District.  Contact city staff for St. Croix Riverway Vegetative Cutting Permits.

Comprehensive Plan

The city's 2040 Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed and approved by the Met Council.

City Zoning Code

Attached is the zoning code for the city.

Disclaimer:  The code found here is circa 2014 - more ordinances may have been adopted by the city.  This should only be used for preliminary review.


Also find current Zoning Application for St. Mary's Point

City Map -Zoning Districts shown

Fee Schedule (updated annually)