Welcome to SMP

These links and resources are here to help you if you're a new, or a long-time resident.


Check out our neighboring communities web sites for local news and resources


Lake St. Croix Beach


Lakeland Shores

No hunting with a firearm in the city limits Firearm discharge prohibited as ordinance states
PFAS - Water Filtration FAQ's After your well is tested - what next.
Riverway Vegetative Cutting amendment DNR Approved - Change in city code 503.01 Cutting with Revegetation Plan

Comprehensive Plan 2020

During 2018 and 2019 the City was updating the required Comprehensive Plan.  During this time period there were public hearings to hear residents comments, as well as, to provide reviews of the DRAFT Comp Plan by other local government units, the DNR, the Water Management Organization, The Valley Branch Watershed District and Met Council.


Final Met Council Approved 2040 Comprehensive Plan is found under the Government - Planning and Zoning section.